Corentin Cadiou — PhD student
In collaboration with Yohan Dubois, Christophe Pichon, Marcello Musso
MPA — 18/12/2018
A very biased view on galaxy formation
Silk&Mamon 12
Press&Schechter 74
"Mass function from first principle"
Works nicely to describe anisotropic features in the Universe
Marginalise position
Galaxies do not form anywhere at anytime
Need to create anisotropic methods → beyond two-point correlation function
Structure in the GAMA survey, Kraljic+18
How to measure position?
What metric modulates galaxy properties?
Galaxy properties & evolution from initial conditions
⇒ Find largest mass that will collapse by z at given location
Theory | Real space |
R | M |
z |
Spherical collapse model:
Structure of size R will collapse at z iff
Height: determined by (over-)density
Curvature: controlled by (traceless) tidal tensor
Poisson equation
Critical point constrain*
* we work in the free-falling frame
Direction of void
Direction of filament
In filaments, halos are...
... than in voids
(Musso, Cadiou et al 2018)
Excursion set theory + saddle point constrain
The results hold for galaxies (at least simulated ones)!
This is largely WIP
We can try using numerical simulations
*See Cadiou+18
Gas density
Tracer density
Filamentary accretion is responsible for most of the mass and angular momentum acquisition (at z>3 ; Kereš+05, Pichon+11, Tillson+12, …)
Filamentary accretion: natural "bridge" between large scale structures (cosmic web) and galaxy formation
Cadiou+ in prep
The cold flows are
for small enough galaxies/high z
Time →
High sAM →
Innermost regions
Outermost regions
Cadiou+ in prep
Perfect candidates to transport anisotropic information from cosmic web to smale scales.
Cadiou+ in prep
New Horizon simulation, Dubois+ in prep
PS: I am available for a postdoc!
Red or blue?
All the properties vary with cosmic time…
Do they vary with spatial location?
Halo model: galaxy properties are inherited from their parent halo + local density (~no effect of the cosmic web)
How do galactic and DM halo scales couple to the large scale anisotropies of the cosmic web?
Galaxy properties & evolution from initial conditions
⇒ Find largest mass that will collapse by z at given location
Large mass Small mass
Early collapse
Late collapse
``How does the cosmic web biases the excursion and halo properties?´´
Nodes (maxima of density)
Saddle point (center of filament)
Describe the critical points only
The relevant parameter for quantifying the anisotropy is:
Observation (in simu)
v/σ residuals at fixed dens + mass
The filament constrains
Void Filament Void
Towards a more comprehensive halo model
How did the disk acquire its AM?
Requires the knowledge of the Lagrangian evolution of the gas
⇒ now possible using tracer particles
Let look at the filamentary accretion of cold gas at z≥2