Cite paper talking about fast rotator, disruption times, etc.
Mention Danovich, Cold flows
Gas density
Gas tracer density
Filamentary accretion is responsible for most of the mass and angular momentum acquisition (at z>3 ; Kereš+05, Pichon+11, Tillson+12, …)
Filamentary accretion: natural "bridge" between large scale structures (cosmic web) and galaxy formation
3. Contribution to disk formation
1. AM acquisition at large scale
2. Transport along cold flows
( \( \forall t, T(t)\leq 10⁵\ \mathrm{K} \) and
\( 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \leq r(t) \leq 2 R_\mathrm{vir} \))
$$ r < 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \text{ or } r > 2R_\mathrm{vir} $$
$$ \exists t, T(t)> 10⁵\ \mathrm{K} \\ 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \leq r(t)\leq 2 R_\mathrm{vir} $$
⇒ Defined with Lagrangian history
+ removing accretion from satellites
Cold gas: well aligned down to inner halo
Hot gas: aligned down to inner halo
The (Lagrangian) spAM dynamics is given by
\(\displaystyle \phantom{\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t}} + \text{gravitational torques} \)
\( \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \textcolor{darksalmon}{\text{pressure torque}} \)
\(\displaystyle \phantom{\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t} + } \underbrace{\phantom{\text{gravitational torques}}}_{\text{\textcolor{darkgray}{DM} + \textcolor{orange}{Star} + \textcolor{deepskyblue}{Gas}}} \)
Pressure dominates the ⊥ acceleration in CGM…
Mean of ⊥ force magnitude
Compute global torque in shell
Locally: pressure dominated...
esp. in the hot phase
... but globally: (DM) gravity dominated
esp. in the cold phase
What is happening?
Compute \(t_\mathrm{decorr.}\) using Lagrangian history such that
$$ \vec{\tau}(t_\mathrm{decorr.}) \perp \vec{\tau}(0) \color{gray}\qquad\text{ (i.e. } \vec{\tau}(t_\mathrm{decorr.}) \cdot \vec{\tau}(0) = 0)$$
A/ Longer coherence in cold phase (esp. pressure)
Slow decorrelation
Fast decorrelation
Compute sum-of-norm vs norm-of-sum
$$ \dfrac{\left\| \sum_\text{neigh}\tau\right\|}{ \sum_\text{neigh}\left\| \tau\right\|} $$
B/ Pressure: \(\lambda_\mathrm{fluct.}\) is small
Compute sum-of-norm vs norm-of-sum
$$ \dfrac{\left\| \sum_\text{neigh}\tau\right\|}{ \sum_\text{neigh}\left\| \tau\right\|} $$
B/ Pressure: \(\lambda_\mathrm{fluct.}\) is small